Root of Kintsugi

Kintsugi is a brand that is inspiring everyone to realize that ,even when times are hard we are all still meant to shine bright. Being a young man from New Orleans,La having to deal with constant challenges everyday I told myself no matter what I want to be someone special in life. Losing my father in 2004 and then hurricane Katrina in 2005 had put my family, friends, and city in a traumatizing situation that to this day we still hold with us. Even with all these challenges many of us was still able to shine bright in life. I’m a first generation highschool and college graduate. I wanted to be the difference for my family and also my community to show them it could be done even with all the challenges in life.My brand is to show the world no matter you go through it’s still a way to carry them scars and show the world that no matter what damage was cause in life you still can be a great person. Kintsugi - a reminder to stay optimistic when things fall apart and to celebrate the flaws and missteps of life. 

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